Latest News
Two busted clock caps later…
Hi there!
With the lack of status updates here, you may have thought this project finally went to sleep. Nope!
I've been working on Surreal64 inconsistently over the last few years, and have made some great improvements to emulation on the XBOX. About every aspect of Surreal64 has received an important update.
Maybe something will get released sooner rather than never, but in the meantime, SourceForge is rebooted and I've been putting the interesting work up there. :)
Surreal64 CE B5.5 Release
We are proud to announce the latest installment of Surreal64 CE, version B5.5.
Features include:
- Native 720p output for all video plugins and the launcher
- Full Screen Anti Aliasing modes up to 4x
- 2 new HLE RSP plugins
- Versatile skin support
- and much more…
See the Changelog for a full list of changes.
Additional media and information will be available shortly.
Release Candidate Status
Today marks an important milestone for the development of Surreal 64 CE (B5.5.) We are entering the Release Candidate phase of development. During this phase we plan to complete the proper release documentation and allow for the skin developers to prepare their skins with the final changes made. Supplemental Xtras are nearing completion as well.
Stay tuned…
Surreal64 CE B5.5 coming very soon!
As some of you might know, we are currently putting the final touches on Surreal.
Unfortunately we can't give you a release date, but rest assured: we are almost there!
New wiki!
Since wikidot gives us so much control of our wiki we've decided to move here! We'll be developing the pages as time goes on. We would like to be able to let users submit their own skins and host them here, there is a 300 MB limit that has to be shared but that should be enough. Another cool thing to look forward to is a Wiki-links page, where anyone can edit and add links for boxart packs and video previews.